Has custom thumbnails and is disabled for random. They work with all skin tones and eyelid types and are available for all ages and genders. CAPITAL CO MILK TEA SKINBLEND OVERLAY: 82. A collection of all my face overlays ( xigua, babychoux, shiliu, lizhi, tao, nen, mi and yinghua) all in one place. NOODLESIMS APPLE CIDER VINEGAR SKLINBLEND: 75. CAPITAL CO MILK TEA SKINBLEND OVERLAY: 73. All in all, there are 9 original hair colors included for this CC, all of which, look natural and subdued. With this, your infants can now sport these beautiful eyebrow arches.

VALHALLANSIM WORLD OF WARCRAFT DEMON HUNTER: 71. It’s a conversion of the adult and children’s eyebrow CC from Wildlyminiaturesandwich. PYXIS ABOUT FACE SKIN DETAILS: SAMMMI XOX MAGNOLIA SKINBLEND: 63. SIMULATIONCOWBOY BUTTER MILK SKIN OVERLAY: 37. SARCASTICSERVO BUTTER SKLINBLEND (MARI SKIN): 26. NOODLESIMS APPLE CIDER VINEGAR SKLINBLEND: 24. SUNLITCRYS 1000 FOLLOWER GIFT SKINBLEND: 14. SIMULATIONCOWBOY BUTTER MILK SKIN OVERLAY: 9. Truth is, we don’t always get our baby and child Sims that much attention when it comes to CC, but this skin overlay just begs for it. MAXIS MATCH SKIN DETAILS UPDATE | Custom Content Showcase + Links Hey there! It’s finally here! An update of all my maxis match skindetails that a lot of you have been asking for! Of course I added numbers for each cc item again to make it easier for you guys to find what you like! ♥ ▶️ CC Links 1.